Title Scripture Speaker Date Series Hits
The History of the Brit Chadashah Scriptures - Part 1 Doug Friedman 2004-08-20 Apologetics 364
Inspiration, Inerrancy, and You Albert Cerussi 2004-07-30 Apologetics 280
Introduction to Apologetics Albert Cerussi 2004-07-23 Apologetics 242
Mickey Montage 2004-04-16 Holocaust 228
Yom HaShoah Doug Friedman 2002-04-12 Holocaust 277


We worship Shabbat morning at 10:30am

1090 N Batavia St, (Please Note: entrance to the building is on Struck Ave)
Orange CA 92867

Phone: (949) 551-2659

Email: info@bendavidmjc.org

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