Title Scripture Speaker Date Series Hits
Another Good Samaritan (Healing of Ten Lepers) Luke 17:11 Doug Friedman 2008-02-01 Gospel Harmony 81
There’s No Whining in Obedience (Four lessons in discipleship) Luke 17:1 Doug Friedman 2008-01-25 Gospel Harmony 88
Timely Decisions May Have Timeless Consequences Luke 16:19 Doug Friedman 2008-01-18 Gospel Harmony 85
Wisdom with Worldly Wealth Luke 16:1 Doug Friedman 2008-01-11 Gospel Harmony 84
The Lost and The Found Luke 15:1 Doug Friedman 2008-01-04 Gospel Harmony 99
How Much Does it Cost? Luke 13:25 Doug Friedman 2007-12-28 Gospel Harmony 87
The Logic of the Incarnation, or Why God Became Man 12/22/2010 Doug Friedman 2007-12-21 Gospel Harmony 98
Time Is Running Out Luke 13:22 Doug Friedman 2007-12-14 Gospel Harmony 89
Are We Gods? A Look at Yeshua and Psalm 82 John 10:22 Albert Cerussi 2007-11-16 Gospel Harmony 114
The Election of Your Life John 10:1 Doug Friedman 2007-11-09 Gospel Harmony 88
The Pride that Blinds John 9:1 Doug Friedman 2007-11-02 Gospel Harmony 102
Fire Insurance: Is It Too Late? Luke 13:1 Doug Friedman 2007-10-26 Gospel Harmony 82
You, and Only You, Decide Luke 12:49 Doug Friedman 2007-10-19 Gospel Harmony 89
Ready or Not, Here I Come! Luke 12:35 Doug Friedman 2007-10-12 Gospel Harmony 87
Fighting over Pails & Shovels Luke 12:13 Doug Friedman 2007-09-07 Gospel Harmony 103
Fast Food Discipleship Luke 10:38 Albert Cerussi 2007-08-31 Gospel Harmony 108
The Key to Messianic Ministry Sam Nadler 2007-08-25 Messianic Issues 177
What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? Luke 10:21 Doug Friedman 2007-08-17 Gospel Harmony 93
Who is Yeshua? Relationship to Avraham and Attempted Stoning John 8:31 Doug Friedman 2007-08-10 Gospel Harmony 102
Who is Yeshua? John 8:31 Albert Cerussi 2007-08-03 Gospel Harmony 121


We worship Shabbat morning at 10:30am

1090 N Batavia St, (Please Note: entrance to the building is on Struck Ave)
Orange CA 92867

Phone: (949) 551-2659

Email: info@bendavidmjc.org

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