Shabbat School

"For what great nation is there, that has a god so near to them, as the LORD our God is whenever we call on Him?

What great nation is there, that has statutes and ordinances so righteous as all this Torah, which I set before you this day?

Only take heed to yourself, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes saw, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your children and your children's children." Devarim 4:7-9

Ben David Messianic Jewish Congregation offers Shabbat School classes for children from preschool through high school. The classes are taught by adults (several of whom are teachers by profession) who are committed to love and instruct the youth at Ben David in the Word of God and Jewish traditions.
To ensure the safety of our children and youth, all adults working in the Shabbat School have gone through a background check.
We use Messianic curriculum appropriate for the various age levels in which the weekly lessons are designed and written to teach biblical truths relevant to children and to draw them into a more personal and intimate relationship with God through Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel.

There are four different levels of Shabbat School classes:
  • Preschool / Kindergarten: Ages 2½ - 5
  • Primary Grades 1st - 3rd
  • Upper Elementary Grades 4th - 6th
  • Youth Group 7th - 12th
A Nursery is available for parents to care for their babies and toddlers 0-29 months. A “Cry Room” off the back of the sanctuary, which allows one to view the morning service, is also available for these parents.
Preschool / Kindergarten

Preschool / Kindergarten

The Preschool – Kindergarten class, (ages 2½ - 5), teaches Biblical truths from a Messianic curriculum titled Flame-Celebrate which uses a balance of Tanakh (OT) and Brit Chadashah (NT) parallel lessons. The children become familiar with a variety of biblical events and festivals through the use of flannel graphs, crafts, and activities. In addition, beginning Hebrew letters and words associated with the lessons are presented as well as a monthly Bible verse which they practice reciting each week. Parents are requested to help their children learn these verses. Snacks, songs, and activities are also part of the lessons to make the Shabbat School experience fun and enjoyable for the children.
1st - 3rd Grade

1st - 3rd Grade

The Primary Elementary class (1st – 3rd) is using a Messianic Jewish children’s curriculum titled “Chai” which is the Hebrew word for “life.” Each lesson in this curriculum is organized to take the children on a journey through the Bible teaching them that God is our Source for life; that His life is eternal, and that we can have Eternal Life through His Son, Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel. The lessons from both the Tanakh (OT) and the Brit Chadashah (NT) are taught in a Messianic Jewish context following the Jewish calendar. Special lessons are included for the biblical feasts found in Leviticus 23. Scripture memorization is part of the program, and a variety of activities including object lessons, crafts, worksheets, songs and games and snacks are used to keep the children’s interest.
4th - 6th Grade

4th - 6th Grade

The Upper Elementary class (4th – 6th) is using a Messianic Jewish children’s curriculum titled Club Maccabee which is a 6-year study of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The weekly lessons are designed and written to teach biblical truths with the purpose of drawing the students into a more personal relationship with Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, and to encourage them to be obedient to God’s Word by making godly choices as they navigate this world which seeks to draw them away from Him. The curriculum also includes Bible verse memorization, the learning of Hebrew words associated with the study as well as traditions and culture of the Jewish people. The biblical feasts (found in Leviticus 23) are studied and experienced throughout the Jewish year using Messianic holiday curriculum. Discussions, object lessons, skits, worksheets, games, and fellowship around snacks are used to keep the students involved.
Youth Group

Youth Group

The Ben David Youth Academy (Ben David Youth) provides a balanced view of the entire Scripture, with a focus on building a Messianic world view and making the Bible interesting and relevant. The curriculum harmonizes Old Testament teachings with the New Testament. Teaching units include, but are not limited to a Bible Biography series, Apologetics, Biblical World View, and Messianic holidays (appointed times), with a focus on practical biblical living in a Messianic community. Lesson plans include reading exercises, some memorization, developing a personal biblical testimony, directed give and take discussions, role plays, fellowship, and of course, healthy snacks.

Teaching the next generation of believers is a real blessing. Not only do the students hear Bible stories, memorize Bible verses, and study Scripture, but they share in each other’s lives through discussions and prayer, and they have fun, too! Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their children’s spiritual development during the week by continuing discussions about their Shabbat School lessons, helping them to learn their Bible memory verses, and praying together as a family.


We worship Shabbat morning at 10:30am

1090 N Batavia St, (Please Note: entrance to the building is on Struck Ave)
Orange CA 92867

Phone: (949) 551-2659


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