Title Scripture Speaker Date Series Hits
The Dichotomy of Sin: Repentence v. Remorse, Peter v. Judas Matthew 27:1 Doug Friedman 2009-10-23 Gospel Harmony 260
When God Gives You the Look Matthew 26:57 Doug Friedman 2009-10-16 Gospel Harmony 264
The Trial Before Caiaphas: But Who Is Really on Trial Matthew 26:57 Doug Friedman 2009-09-11 Gospel Harmony 217
The Trial Before Annas John 18:12 Doug Friedman 2009-09-04 Gospel Harmony 222
The Arrest: A Preview of What's to Come Matthew 26:47 Doug Friedman 2009-08-28 Gospel Harmony 205
Spiritual Narcolepsy Matthew 26:36 Doug Friedman 2009-08-21 Gospel Harmony 238
The Lord's Prayer (The Real One) - Part 2 John 17:13 Doug Friedman 2009-08-14 Gospel Harmony 208
The Lord's Prayer (the REAL one) - Part 1 John 17:1 Doug Friedman 2009-08-07 Gospel Harmony 247
Overcome the World John 16:16 Doug Friedman 2009-07-24 Gospel Harmony 293
Need a Lawyer? John 16:5 Albert Cerussi 2009-07-10 Gospel Harmony 306
If Adam had a Second Chance... John 15:16 Doug Friedman 2009-07-03 Gospel Harmony 247
The Death of Darwinism Doug Friedman 2009-06-26 Apologetics 286
The Fruit of the Vine John 15:1 Doug Friedman 2009-06-19 Gospel Harmony 259
Do You Love Me? John 14:27 Doug Friedman 2009-06-12 Gospel Harmony 221
The Gardener Moves In Doug Friedman 2009-05-29 Gospel Harmony 243
The Gardener Moves In (Part 2) Doug Friedman 2009-05-29 Gospel Harmony 299
Meet the Gardener John 14:18 Doug Friedman 2009-05-22 Gospel Harmony 268
Divinity Affirmed John 13:31-14:17 Doug Friedman 2009-05-15 Gospel Harmony 223
The Upper Room Discourse: A Father's Final Words John 13:31 Doug Friedman 2009-05-08 Gospel Harmony 195
Yom haShoah - David Faber 2009-04-17 Holocaust 269


We worship Shabbat morning at 10:30am

1090 N Batavia St, (Please Note: entrance to the building is on Struck Ave)
Orange CA 92867

Phone: (949) 551-2659

Email: info@bendavidmjc.org

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