Title Scripture Speaker Date Series Hits
The Offer of a Lifetime John 3:9 Doug Friedman 2005-06-24 Gospel Harmony 249
What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? John 3:6 Doug Friedman 2005-06-17 Gospel Harmony 272
How Can You Enter the Kingdom of God? John 2:23-3:5 Doug Friedman 2005-06-03 Gospel Harmony 236
Temple Money John 2:13 Albert Cerussi 2005-05-27 Gospel Harmony 300
Yeshua's First Miracle John 2:1 Albert Cerussi 2005-05-20 Gospel Harmony 315
Mel Mermelstein 2005-05-06 Holocaust 336
The First Disciples John 1:43 Doug Friedman 2005-04-15 Gospel Harmony 259
What Do You Seek? John 1:35 Doug Friedman 2005-04-01 Gospel Harmony 280
Been there Done that: Yeshua's Response to Testing Matthew 4:1 Albert Cerussi 2005-03-18 Gospel Harmony 289
Yeshua under Water Matthew 3:3 Doug Friedman 2005-03-04 Gospel Harmony 250
Immersion: Alien Ritual or Jewish Origin? Albert Cerussi 2005-02-25 Gospel Harmony 291
Humility Personified Doug Friedman 2005-02-18 Gospel Harmony 302
Messenger Service Luke 1:5 Albert Cerussi 2005-02-04 Gospel Harmony 274
The Lineage of the Messiah Luke 3:23 Doug Friedman 2005-01-28 Gospel Harmony 307
Jewish Harmony John 1:1 Doug Friedman 2005-01-21 Gospel Harmony 290
A Holographic Approach to the Gospels Albert Cerussi 2005-01-14 Gospel Harmony 286
Review the Apologetics Series Doug Friedman 2005-01-04 Apologetics 283
Science and the Bible Albert Cerussi 2004-12-03 Apologetics 306
Alleged Discrepancies in the Brit Chadashah Doug Friedman 2004-11-26 Apologetics 301
Alleged Discrepancies in the Tanakh Doug Friedman 2004-11-19 Apologetics 305


We worship Shabbat morning at 10:30am

1090 N Batavia St, (Please Note: entrance to the building is on Struck Ave)
Orange CA 92867

Phone: (949) 551-2659

Email: info@bendavidmjc.org

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