PPassover 2025

Our Community Passover Seder event will be held on Saturday, April 12.

Tickets are as follows:

  • Adult - $70.00
  • Student - $40.00
  • Child - $30.00 (Note: children attending Ben David Congregation are comped)

To make your reservation online, click HERE for the link.

You can also print from the right pictured registration form and follow the instructions from it.
Or Click HERE to download a pdf copy

Registration will close on Monday, April 7th

If you need directions to the Hotel, here is their address:

Embassy Suites
11767 Harbor Blvd
Garden Grove, CA 92840

Tel: 714-539-3300

Doors open at 3PM. Please come early as it takes few minutes to register and be seated. We will start promptly at 4pm and we do not want you to miss anything.

If you have any question contact us at:

Email:  office@bendavidmjc.org

See you on the 12th and Chag Pesach Sameach, Happy Passover!



We worship Shabbat morning at 10:30am

1090 N Batavia St, (Please Note: entrance to the building is on Struck Ave)
Orange CA 92867

Phone: (949) 551-2659

Email: info@bendavidmjc.org

Free counters!